Sunday 16 October 2011


These days, I have come to discover the main thing that happen to man which brought him below God's expectation. In so many churches today I have come to realise that the number of women that we have is more than the number of men!!! Even they have more passion for things of God than men....what happen? there is generally problem and battle about the resposibilities of man these days. Men of this generation are not just available for things of God.
What disturb me alot these days is the generation of this day's youth which I try to imagine what the future will be hmmm......but its a cry for this generation if things are not being put in place. Even the youths that suppose to be strong in God are no where to be found infact the way this generation is going it shows that the authority of man is shaking and not functioning. My prayer is that the authority God has place on our life as the head will not be mis-used in Jesus name.

According to Gbile Akanni..........

'' for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for he is the image and the glory of God:but the woman is the glory of man. For the man is not of the woman; but the woman is of man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but for the woman for man. For this cause ought the woman to have power over her head because of the angels. Nevertheless neither is the man without woman and woman without man, in the Lord.
For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman;also by the woman; but all things of God.''(1cor 11:7-12).
The bible says that a man ought not cover his head. There is a reason for this ''since he is the image and Glory of God, but the woman is the glory of man''.What is God speaking about particularly here? it is as if God is saying that according to His own order and ordination, He expects a man to become a complete and an affirmative representation of God in the society. God's expectation is that when anyone says, I want to see God, I want to see how the Lord look like; I want to see His power, His courage,His wisdom, His ability to Handle conflicts'', God desires to have a man to point at and say,'' i have a man here who is my image.''
Why is it that a man ought not to walk with his head bowed? It is because it will give a wrong imoression of the image of God to those who are under His authority. God is looking for a man that reflects and manifests His Glory outlook, his way of thinking and handling situations and conflicts. this is a particular responsibility that God has placed on you as a man. It is not enough to go to work and come back in the night, fall down tired and ask your wife,'' where is my food?'' That is not the reason why you are a man.there is much more to manhood than such ordinary issues.

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